Life Stories

Turcho Chukoev, a Bulgarian Roma circus musician

February 22, 2017 malte 0

Image courtesy of: Ludmila Zhivkova family collection. Turcho Chukoev is second man from the left, first row Turcho Chukoev was a Bulgarian Roma musician who earned his living by working in circuses until the outbreak […]

Project Description

Project Description

February 22, 2017 malte 0

This two-year project (1.1.2017 – 31.12.2018) made up of an international team of five researchers (project leader Dr. Malte Gasche, Co-project leader Dr. Ethel Brooks, Dr. Ilsen About, MA Martin Holler, MA Raluca Bianca Roman) […]

Historical Context

Historical Context

February 22, 2017 malte 0

  During the Second World War, the German Reichskulturkammer considered circus performances to be important instruments of entertainment, both for German soldiers on the front and for the general civilian population, which was increasingly affected […]

No Picture


January 5, 2017 malte 0

Literature Overview The research on the circus history in Nazi Germany has ,thus far, focused primarily on the enforced alignment (Gleichschaltung) and its negative consequences for the cultural life in Germany (among others Kuznezow 1970; […]